Namrata Gotecha

Web - App
Designer & Developer


About me

A versatile professional with 4 years of experience specializing in UI/UX design, web development, and App development. With a Google UX Design Certificate, I excel in user research, wireframing, prototyping, and testing, using tools like Figma and Miro to create intuitive digital experiences.

As a web developer, I have extensive experience with Laravel, PHP, C#, ASP.Net, Django, nodejs, react js and other technologies, building robust backend systems and engaging frontend interfaces. In Android development, I create dynamic and user-friendly mobile applications using Java and Kotlin. My passion for solving real-world problems drives me to continuously learn and apply new technologies.

Let's connect and collaborate to bring your vision to life!



  • March 2020 - Present

    Web Developer


    I develop responsive and functional webpages, along with robust REST APIs, using various languages & its frameworks. My expertise includes database management , ensuring efficient and secure web solutions tailored to client needs.

    Skills: JavaScript · PHP · Django · MySQL · jQuery · C# · ASP.NET · Nodejs · ReactJS · Laravel · jquery · HTML · AJAX · MongoDB · Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) · Web Development

  • Dec 2020 - Present

    Android Developer


    During this period, I specialized in building native Android applications using Java and Kotlin. My work involved translating client requirements into scalable mobile solutions, focusing on performance, usability, and integration with backend services.

    Skills: Mobile Application Development · Kotlin · Android Development · Java · Android · Android Studio · MVC and MVVM Architecture

  • Jan 2023 - Present

    UI/UX Designer


    As a UI/UX Designer, I specialize in creating intuitive and visually appealing interfaces using tools like Figma, Adobe XD, and Miro. My focus is on enhancing user experience through thoughtful design principles and user-centric approaches.

    Skills: Figma · Adobe XD · Miro · UI intefaces · UX research




Contact Me

Phone Number

+91 7016881449


Social Network